Saturday, September 29, 2012

Where are the honorable men going?

 " Any fool can make a baby, but it takes a real man to be a father". It takes honor, integrity and courage to be a real man. Its hard work. The good things in life are worth the hard work.
 Where are our honorable men going? I see too many guys who are in the midst of trials bailing out on the women that they promised to love, protect and care for. Its a  heart wrenching thing to watch the ripple affect of bad, unwise, ungodly, selfish choices.
   I'm not normally the one who participates in male bashing. This isn't about that. Its about, if you feel like fleeing, or you don't love your wife anymore, the only place you need to go is down on your knees and humble yourself before the lord. The same applies of wives as well.

Honor :
1. honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions : a man of honor

2. a source of credit or distinction: to be an honor to one's family

3. high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank. To be held in honor

The word honor itself is found in the bible 146 times. Its a huge part of who we are as Christians.

Romans 12:10 NIV
 be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

It is time to put away selfishness, we have no use for it. It is displeasing to God and it ruins everything it touches.

1Corinthians 10:24 NIV
No one should seek their own good, but the good of others,

If wives and husbands would focus on each other and not on themselves we would never have a need to question the honor of our men.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Spiritual Intimacy with your spouse

Can spiritual intimacy with your spouse be attained?  I think so, assuming of course that you are both like minded in what you believe. Marriage between man and wife, is a reflection of man and God. Imagine soul to soul closeness, I think its the deepest level of connection one can have with another human being. Spiritual intimacy occurs when you completely give yourselves and your relationship over to God. Your relationship grows as you live by his will and your goal is to please him.
Living and loving in a biblical way is a joy, its not a sacrifice. Its a easy yoke and not a burden. Life always happens, no matter what you do. If you have a strong foundation in Christ, then it seems the issues that people face now with relationships wouldn't happen. Of course, you would still have hurdles to jump occasionally. Things wouldn't be perfect, But divorce would never happen and people would learn to get along and love each other, or die miserable. The difference in a Biblical marriage and today's marriage is, its not about you. Its about your spouse and the two of you as one.  Today's marriages are sometimes selfish. There's not that bond that is stronger than the problems folks face. Society views marriage today as a test drive, If this one doesnt work out, I can remarry and be happy. Selfishness has no place in a marriage. Its about serving God by serving each other.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


There are so many things in life that happen that can get us down, and frustrated. No matter if things are big are small, its easy to become frustrated or worried. So many things in the world are joy killers, or at least they are potential joy killers. Our joy can't be taken from us, unless we give it up of our own free will. I'm learning to keep my joy no matter what happens in life. Things happen, and sometimes the timing is horrible. I try to remain focused on the fact that regardless of what my circumstance is I have a real reason to be joyful! I have a promise from God, that he will never leave or forsake me. Things in this world will pass, but I have a promise of eternal life with Christ. Perspective is a good thing to have. When things aren't going in a way in which I think they should, I look around at all that is going right. I realize then that all is well. I really have nothing to worry about! So I hold onto my joy and continue to praise him through the storms of life and wait for the rainbows to appear.

Isaiah 55:12 - "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

Monday, October 10, 2011

I have been reading in the book of Luke this week. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. In Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 32. Jesus tells the parable of  the lost son. As a person who lived in sin, I can relate to this parable. I have left to live my own live apart from God. At some point I have woken up in the proverbial pigpin of life, squandered my  treasure and turned my  back on our heavenly father. When I realized what a mess I had made my life, I turned to Christ.
 In this parable, the father shows real forgiveness and love. He would have been right to bring his son back as a slave or servant, or to turn him away. He didn't, he was so grateful and ecstatic that he threw a big celebration and welcomed his son back with open arms. He showed so much forgiveness and love. Thats the kind of father I have. I was so lost, and now I am found. He showed me mercy when I did nothing to warrant it. God has forgiven, when I couldn't forgive myself. But after awhile I realized that in order to move forward with his will that I had to forgive myself to begin to fulfill his will in my life.

Romans 8:39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Its Sunday morning, Im getting ready to take my three kids to church minus my husband who is in Okinawa Japan. I miss him. At this point in our marriage we have an Interfaith relationship. I am a disciple of Christ, he is deistic. For a long time, it broke my heart that he didn't believe the same way I did. However for many years I did not conduct myself like a christian is supposed to. He bares more "good" fruit than the majority of people I know. I have learned so much from him. I have learned how to love him. He has loved me when most people could not. He has forgiven so much. I am eternally grateful and completely in awe at his capacity to love. For that I am so in love with him. I am delighted and happy that he prays and seeks knowledge. Even  if we don't have the same beliefs yet, we have the same values, the same desire to be more than just a couple who sits back and lets the world float by. I love him for who he is.

Friday, October 7, 2011

My crazy family

 My kids are my best source of entertainment and my number one source of aggravation. They have a tendency to think I have the secret mystical bag of holding that I fill every night with there shoes, or homework or book bags. It never fails, the first thing I hear in the morning as we are scurrying around in preparation for school is "MOM WHERES MY_________????? What do I look like? Your personal assistant? Do I wear your shoes?

My wonderful husband is very much like my lovely kids with regards to considering me the general lost and found at the house. "Sweetie" Wheres my pants, underwear, shaving kit, socks boots...etc?? My general response to him is close to the same...Darling, I didn't wear your pants, or your underwear, or your socks.

They must have a switch implanted in there bodies somewhere that they have to turn on, but don't turn on until after breakfast. This elusive switch must enable them to be responsible for there grooming habits and there ability to find there own things. Yes, I know that if every thing had a home things would be easier to find. How am I the one who gets this job of finding homes for there misplaced items? I DON'T USE THE STUFF!!

Yes, I know I am the mother, so the job description states that I am in charge of all domestic work, but this clearly isn't a monarchy like I so often thought. I am not the queen, I have been overthrown by a small group of revolting rebels, led by a uber deadly, highly tactical two year old son. He looks sweet and innocent, but behind those dimples and chubby cheeks is a Diabolical mastermind bent on total household domination. He has this super power that even works on men of steel....cuteness.

 I'm not worried though. Time is on my side! He will grow out of this stage. I will be waiting for the day he does. He will rue the day he dethroned me! On that wonderful day, when his cuteness has no power over me, I will give him a chore. He will be the one responsible for finding the lost shoes, book-bags, pants, underwear (well maybe not that).
Until that day, I'm bidding my time.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Total Surrender your treasure

.Leviticus 27:30 "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD.

This was Gods way of blessing his children. By entrusting a percentage of your income to the Lord he is able to multiply it and bless you.  God is a multiplier, but he has to have something to work with. If your not going to entrust him with the tenth he commands us, then its hard for him to really bless you the way he wants too.

Is not tithing a sin? I don't know? A sin is not upholding the laws of God. A sin is to miss the mark. Many people, even theologians argue that because we are under a New Testament we are free from the law. In that being said, we may be free of the law, but its still a sin to kill someone, its still a sin to steal. I personally think it is a sin to withhold your tithe. Your not robbing God, Everything of the earth and all within it is already his. However your robbing yourself of his ability to bless you abundantly.

LUKE 6:38
Give and it shall be given back to you, a good measure, pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

 Each one must do just what is purposed in his heart. Not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.